Can traveling change your life? I have been asked this question never by no one so frequently that I felt it time to attempt an answer. Absolutely. Travelling will always change your life. But then, so did the cheese danish you had for breakfast. When you got up this morning your life was abruptly altered by eating this cheese danish which had previously not been incorporated into your life in such a profound and intimate way.
Travelling can be life changing in that same way. After the trip you can now say, "I have been to Cambodia," in much the same way that you can now say, "I had a cheese danish for breakfast."
This is how most people travel. Even if they loved their vacation and want to go back again they are still in the cheese danish mindset. "I really liked that cheese danish. I think I will have one tomorrow morning as well."
But travelling can be life changing in a different way. A way that causes your hometown to seem so small and the way you used to view the world so limited. A journey to another land can so completely alter what you find important in life in a way no cheese danish ever could. At least no cheese danish I have yet to encounter, but would be anxious to partake of if you find one.
This cheese danish would make you think, "I never knew a cheese danish could be like that. Tomorrow I am going to try an apple fritter to see if I have been missing out on the full experience of eating an apple fritter in the same way that I never truly appreciated a cheese danish until today."
So get out there and search for that ultimate cheese danish. That one that makes you feel like there is so much more left to experience in life you only hope you have the time to discover all of it.
And if you are disappointed because you read this simply hoping to find out where to get a really good cheese danish, I would try Amsterdam.

​The Life Changing Cheese Danish